Fatal Accidents (0)

Occurrence Reports

Engine Failures (7), including rough running, return to land, RTO and double ECU failure.  Lycoming (2 heli), TAE125 diesel (1) PWC (2).

 Forced Landings (-), precautionary landings due weather (2 helicopters)

Airprox Reports (9).  TCAS RA (-)
Landing Accidents (7)
Take-off Accidents (1)  
Runway Excursions (1) Runway Incursions – Red Stopbars. (2).  Many GA pilots will not have seen red stop bars in use.  The rule is never to cross an illuminated stop bar even with clearance;  ATC will switch it off when giving clearance to enter or cross the runway it protects.
Wrong Airport (-), Wrong Runway (1).
Tyre Failures (1).
Rejected take-offs (6)
Bird Strike (3) and Hornets.  One Cessna 152 pilot rejected a take-off because hornets had made a nest in the barrel type wing root ventilator.  After shutting down and ridding the cockpit of hornets the intrepid pilot pushed the vent closed and continued with his planned flight, only to find as the vent vibrated open that there were many more hornets in the wing.  A single hornet sting can require hospital admission.
Landing Gear (5) including two gear up landings and one low go-around. 
Maintenance Reports (18).  Including several reports of an engine oil leak, all the same aircraft.
Filler cap (1), pogo stick (1)
Taxiing Events (10) including collisions (3), ground handling and no clearance..
Loss of Comms for any reason (5)
IFR Level Bust (11), departure turn (2)
VFR Level Bust (1)
, exceeding not above altitude.
Fire (-), Smoke (1), Fumes (-), CO Warning (-). 
Alternator/Bus/Electrical Failure (4), 
ATC Coordination of IFR GA Flights (5), see notes.
Flight Controls (1) a  BE90 Kingair, there have been similar previous reports.
Door Unlatched (2)
RT – Picked up an instruction for another aircraft.
Vacuum System Failure (1) with loss of gyros in poor weather.
Self-induced Pressure to make a flight despite deteriorating weather and/or approaching darkness (3).
One aircraft departed to find the weather worse than expected.  Upon return to the departure airfield the pilot was unable to see it and although cleared to join for runway xx, landed on the reciprocal instead because that was the only part of the airfield that could be seen..
One pilot departed an airport with a CTR although  the TAF indicated poor weather during the period of the flight.  The approaching weather was visible prior to departure and the tower controller advised the pilot of this.  SVFR departure clearance was given because the current METAR was above the appropriate minima - it soon would not be.  When airborne the pilot lost sight of the ground, declared an emergency and was radar vectored to final and a safe landing in very poor visibility.
One pilot felt it important to make test flight after maintenance but darkness was approaching.  When airborne in the local area the pilot could not identify local landmarks that he was normally familiar with and infringed a CTR on his return, causing disruption to commercial IFR traffic. 
Airspace Infringements (42)  T indicates areas where training could be improved effectively.  S suggests that systemic improvements could be implemented. 

Various contributory factors were:
Inadequate planning (1).Time pressure made this task for an instructor rushed. This is quite a common practice; ‘After your flight with _ _ _ (person) just go to (airfield) and pick up the pilot of (aircraft).Even instructors need to plan flights. T
Weather Factors, including turbulence (4).
Transponders Mode C faulty or over reading (1).S
Take Two (3). T
Misidentified surface features, lateral navigation error or misread the moving map (1).
Relative navigation (1)
Confusion of CAS bases (2), including moving map presentation. S
Chart obscuration or presentation (2), when reported or indicated.
Altimetry (3), two departed the circuit with QFE set. S
Climbed too soon (1).
Descended too late (1).
North Weald Departures/ Arrivals (-).
Moving map failure (1). S
Farnborough CTR/CTA (3) S
Distractions:- Workload (1), changing squawk (2) instructing or task (2), tech problems (1) including moving map failure, passengers (-).
Instrument scan inadequate (-).T.
Unfamiliar with avionics (-)
Frequency Monitoring Code not used or pilot not listening (3) T.
Late request (1).
London FIS (2).
Decision making (1)
Formation / Display (2)
Instructor on board (5) cases reported, student solo (2)