Fatal Accident (4) inc 3 gliders.

Airprox Reports (16), including near miss and TCAS RA.

Occurrence Reports

Engine Failures (16), 8 Lycoming, 2 Austro diesel, 2 Rotax, 1 Continental, 3 other.
Fuel Exhaustion (0), 2 low fuel diversion.
Landing Accidents (10), 4 of which were student solo.
Take-off Accidents (3) 
Runway Excursions (4)
Runway Incursions (3)
Tyre Failures (2)
Landing Gear (4) Landed gear up (1), approached with gear up (3), collapsed (1), indication (1).
Flap Failure (3)
Maintenance Reports (17)
Tech Failures Following Maintenance ()
Taxiing Events (5)
Taxi with tie-down weights attached (-)
Loss of Coms (2)

IFR Level Bust (6)
VFR Level Bust (3), exceeding not above altitude.
Part Fell Off in Flight (1), filler cap. .
Hatch/Door Opened in Flight (3) including glider canopy and engine cowling.
Cockpit Smoke/fumes (1) fuel, CO warning (4) repetitive defect.
Alternator Failure (1), leading to loss of avionics and comms.
ATC Coordination of IFR GA Flights (4) 
Fuel Leak (1),
Bird Strike (1)
Broken windshield.
Landed without clearance (3)

Airspace Infringements (82)

T indicates areas where training could be improved effectively.  S suggests that systemic improvements could be implemented. 

In 7 cases IFR traffic was affected i.e. delayed, descent stopped or vectored around the infringer.  .
The relative navigation factor is used for cases where either the believed vertical and horizontal position of the aircraft or the perceived location of the proscribed airspace was in error. This may be termed situational awareness with respect to controlled airspace boundaries.
Airspace categories affected were:
Class No -------------------------------------------------
TMA A 12
CTA D 24
CTA Base 1500ft D 7
CTR D 1 To/from an AD wholly or partly within a CTR
TMZ G 7 All Stansted a/c not squawking mode C
ATZ G 9 Inc glider and para sites
Danger area G 2

 Various contributory factors were:
Inadequate planning.(3).T
Weather Factors, inc turbulence (4)
Transponders Mode C faulty or over reading (1).
Lack of Knowledge (-)
Take Two (2).
Misidentified surface features, lateral navigation error or misread the moving map (3).
Relative navigation (7)
Confusion of CAS bases (10),
including moving map presentation. S
Chart obscuration (5) cases reported or indicated
Altimetry (3), all due use of QFE beneath CAS.S
Climbed too soon (2)
Descended too late (1)
Manchester LLR (0)-
, great improvement .S
North Weald Departures/ Arrivals (4). S
Moving map failure (1+1), due link with Pilot Aware + 1 not used. S
Farnborough CTR/CTA (4) S
1,500ft base (7) S

Distractions:- Workload (?), instructing or task (2), tech problems (4), passengers (-)
Instrument scan (2). Lookout, Attitude, Instruments, particularly altimeter and VSI. Altitude keeping errors are often caused by failing to observe these instruments frequently T.
Frequency Monitoring Code not used or pilot not listening (5) T.
London FIS (6). Guidance as to when this service might be useful is required. S & T.
Glider infringements (2)
Misunderstood clearance (1)