Airprox Reports (18)

Occurrence Reports


Engine Failures (9), including rough running and warnings

Landing Accidents (13).  One report states that the student on first solo navex landed short on approach to destination, about 60nm from base and after normal opening hours, due to fuel exhaustion.   
Runway Excursions (13)
Runway Incursions (2)
Tyre Failures (1)
Maintenance Reports (7)
Tech Failures Following Maintenance (5)
Taxiing Events (3)
Taxi with tie-down weights attached (1)
Loss of Coms (3)
Electrical system failure (1)

IFR Level Bust (13), all were single crew types, C525 series (6).
Part Fell Off in Flight (1), door of a DA40.
Hatch/Door Opened in Flight (3)
Smoke (2), over primed engine start, GPS unit.
Brake Failure (1)
Flight Controls (3) PA28 elevator trim cable failure, PC12 flaps.
EFIS/Avionics Failure (1)
ATC Coordination of IFR GA Flights (4)

Airspace Infringements (95).

T indicates areas where training could be improved  effectively.  S suggests that systemic improvements could be implemented.  
In 13 cases IFR traffic was affected i.e. delayed, descent stopped or vectored around the infringer.  In 9 cases the infringement was less than 200 feet vertically and of less than one minutes duration.

In 13 cases IFR traffic was affected i.e. delayed, descent stopped or vectored around the infringer.  In 9 cases the infringement was less than 200 feet vertically and of less than one minutes duration.
One was student solo, instructor on board (6).
The relative navigation factor is used for cases where either the believed vertical and horizontal position of the aircraft or the perceived location of the proscribed airspace was in error.
Airspace categories affected were:

Airspace categories affected were:

 Danger Areas    

 Various contributory factors were:
Inadequate planning.(3).T
Weather Factors - avoidance (2).
Visually avoiding traffic (1) or TCAS / other conspicuity device
Transponders Mode C over reading (1). S
Lack of Knowledge (3), including altimetry, TMZ and RMZ. T
Take Two (6). T
Misidentified surface features, lateral navigation error or misread the moving map (7).
Confusion of CAS bases (8), including moving map presentation.S
Chart obscuration (2) cases reported
Altimetry (5), failure to set 1013 climbing to IFR level or QNH when descending (3), QFE set for departure (2). S
Manchester LLR (4).No violation of the boundaries involved.S
North Weald Departures/ Arrivals (6).One was attempting transit. S
Moving map failure (4).
Farnborough CTR/CTA (7) S
1,500ft base (11) S
Distractions:- Workload (5), instructing or task (4), tech problems (1), passengers (2)
Instrument scan (4).Lookout, Attitude, Instruments, particularly altimeter and VSI.Altitude keeping errors are often caused by failing to observe these instruments.T.
Frequency Monitoring Code not used or pilot not listening (6) T.
Non-compliance with cleared route or not above altitude, (1)
London FIS (4). Guidance as to when this service might be useful is required.S & T.
No moving map used (3).
Glider infringements (1)